The Lutheran’s Women Missionary League (LWML), established in 1942, is the women’s auxiliary of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod.  Any woman who is a member of the LCMS is a member of LWML.  Our LWML society at Christ Lutheran was organized in 1947.  For over 70 years our members have been “serving the Lord with gladness”.

Christ Lutheran’s LWML meets six times a year.  Business meetings are held at 10:00 A.M. on the second Saturday of the month in February, June, August and October.  A Birthday Lunch is held in April and a Cookie Walk is held in December.  Bake sales are on the third Sunday of the month during fellowship time.

For many years our society has supported the food bank at Concordia Seminary- St. Louis.  Monthly donations are also given to organizations or agencies voted on each year.  In recent years, a collection of men’s hygiene items have been taken to the veterans at the Gen. Wayne A. Downing Home in November.  Many of the ladies gather for quilting and quilts have been donated to many places in the Peoria area as well as to auctions and benefits. Providing funeral lunches is another way members have served our congregation.

Mites are collected on the first Sunday of each month.  These offerings are sent to the Central Illinois District LWML which keeps 75% of the money and disburses these funds for mission grants chosen at their yearly convention.  The other 25% goes to the National LWML which disburses those funds for mission grants chosen at the national convention held every two years.